Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cosmati Rings at Twilight

I paper-pieced this quilt in April 2009 after attending a guild class taught by Norah McMeeking. I then machine and hand-quilted it in January/February 2011 in order to enter it in the Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association quilt show. All fabrics are beautiful batiks. The quilt used a pattern from Bella Bella Quilts by Norah McMeeking.
My quilt hanging at the Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association quilt show on March 5, 2011.

Close-up views of the center rings.

Close-up of the quilting.

I quilted in the ditch around the rings, points, and flying geese. I free-motioned machine quilted in the rings and border. I hand-quilted the center circle and corners.
All quilting motifs were my original designs.

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