Monday, September 3, 2012

Jessica's Grandmother's Fan baby quilt

I made this baby quilt for my baby Jessica in 1990.  It was machine pieced and handquilted.  Back then I thought machine quilting was an abomination and was not really quilting.  Times have sure changed!  I love to handquilt, but since it takes so much longer, I usually end up machine quilting. 
This is my 4th quilt.  I had made a machine pieced, hand tied twin quilt in college.  My second quilt was a hand embroidered and hand quilted baby quilt for daughter Michaele.  My third quilt was made in my first quilt class.  It was hand pieced and handquilted.

This quilt either was in the crib or on the wall for over 22 years.  I finally retired it and hopefully will use it for a future grandchild!

Close-up of the handquilting.

Interlocking hearts were quilted in the sashing and the borders on heart printed fabric.

The backing fabric is the same as the border fabric.

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