Primary Colors Kid's Quilt 1and 2
Someone donated nine quilt packets to our Hugs and Stitches ministry at church. Each packet contained the same pattern (9 patch) and included fabric. The solid fabric colors were yellow, 2 blues, and green. Really ugly!!! No one wanted to do anything with this, but since it was a donation I hated to see it go to waste. So I decided to take on the challenge.
I was able to make two kid's quilts out of the packets by adding my own fabric and trying to make it look more interesting. The fabric I added was patterned to set against the plain solids. I bought a bright yellow dot fabric for sashing for both quilts and the blue submarine fabric. The other fabrics were already in my stash. Fortunately Hugs had some backings that could be used.
The blocks were machine pieced and quilted. Quilt #1 was quilted in an all-over meander design with blue thread. Quilt #2 was quilted along the ditch with a serpentine stitch. The submarine blocks were quilted with three waves, and the 9 patch had a quilting motif done in free motion.
Quilt #1 |
Quilt #2
Fun backing for Quilt #1 |
Beach ball backing for Quilt #2
Close-up of quilting motif in Quilt #2