Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hudson's Nautical Quilt

This quilt is an original design for my first grandson, Hudson Peter Lien.  His nursery is decorated in a nautical theme and so my daughter Michaele asked me to make a nautical theme quilt in blues, sand, and gray, with red as an accent.
The lighthouse and sailboat blocks were paper pieced.  I quilted the top to bamboo batting.  Then I added a striped Minkee fabric for the backing and quilted around each block.
My daughter, Michaele, holding Hudsons's quilt.
Shells and whale were appliqued with satin stitch.
Lighthouse blocks were paper pieced.

Life preserver and anchor were appliqued with satin stitch.  Oars
appliqued with a buttonhole stitch.

Sailboat was paper pieced.  A wave pattern was quilted
on the water.

Sailor hat, anchor, and wheel appliques were satin stitched.

Beatrix Potter Baby Quilt

I made this quilt for Hudson, my first grandchild, as well as any future grandchildren to cuddle with when they visit Grandma's house!   I was able to use fabric from previous quilts using the Beatrix Potter theme as well as some new fabric.  I backed the quilt with yellow Minkee fabric.  The quilt was machine pieced and quilted.  I quilted the top to batting and then added the backing and quilted across the panels.  

Close-up of Beatrix Potter quilt

Close-up of baskets with yo-yo flowers.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bear Ballerinas

This quilt was made for Hugs & Stitches.  The pattern was from Fons And Porter Love of Quilting magazine. The strip has bear ballerinas and the 4 patch colors were taken from the bear print.  Quilt was machine pieced and quilted.  Finished August 25, 2014.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Floral Garden Strip Quilt

Floral Garden Strip Quilt

This quilt was made for Hugs & Stitches.  I designed the pattern based upon a segment I had seen on a TV quilt show.  It is the second I have made in this pattern for Hugs (other quilt is Blue And White Quilt, posted on Sept. 2013).
It was machine pieced and quilted.

Floral Garden Quilt

Floral backing

Close-up of quilting

Another view of quilt

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hugs and Stitches Scrap Quilt

Hugs Scrap Quilt

I made this quilt for Hugs and Stitches using scraps from my previous projects for this group.  
The quilt was machine pieced and quilted.
I used scraps of bindings as well.
Back of Scrap Quilt

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Angel Garden Quilt

A friend in Hugs and Stitches handed me some fabric and asked if I could come up with a quilt.  One fabric was cute girl angels on white background.  The second fabric was a pink button pattern.  The third fabric was an ugly green/turquoise modern looking pattern.  The fourth was a pink flannel for the backing.  I didn't know what I would do especially with the ugly green fabric.  
Then I thought of a pattern I had in my file using Beatrix Potter fabric called Garden Tales.  It would downplay the ugly green fabric and highlight the prettier fabric.  I was able to add to it lots of leftover pieces from earlier Hugs quilts.  I only had to use a few pieces from my own stash.  Overall I was pleased with the final result.  The pattern calls for rows of different designs.  I changed one row from a picket fence type design to pinwheels and small fussy cut angels.  The quilt was machine pieced and quilted in the ditch.  I quilted a scallop design in the border.

Angel Garden Quilt

Close-up of quilting and blocks

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Primary Colors Kid's Quilt 1and 2

Someone donated nine quilt packets to our Hugs and Stitches ministry at church.  Each packet contained the same pattern (9 patch) and included fabric. The solid fabric colors were yellow, 2 blues, and green.  Really ugly!!!  No one wanted to do anything with this, but since it was a donation I hated to see it go to waste.   So I decided to take on the challenge.

I was able to make two kid's quilts out of the packets by adding my own fabric and trying to make it look more interesting.  The fabric I added was patterned to set against the plain solids.  I bought a bright yellow dot fabric for sashing for both quilts and the blue submarine fabric. The other fabrics were already in my stash.  Fortunately Hugs had some backings that could be used.

The blocks were machine pieced and quilted.  Quilt #1 was quilted in an all-over meander design with blue thread.  Quilt #2 was quilted along the ditch with a serpentine stitch.  The submarine blocks were quilted with three waves, and the 9 patch had a quilting motif done in free motion.

Quilt #1

Quilt #2

Fun backing for Quilt #1

Beach ball backing for Quilt #2

Close-up of quilting motif in Quilt #2