Friday, July 20, 2018

HOME pillow cover

I designed this pillow cover to showcase our new home state of Texas.
The letters were appliqued.  I found a Texas topography map online and sized it to fit in the "O."

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Candlewick pillow

I made the candlewick panel about 30 years ago when I lived in Cedar Rapids, IA.  I have not used the pillow in years as the border fabric and backing had faded.  So recently I removed the panel from the rest of the pillow and made new borders and backing for it.  I have placed it in my front study/parlor on an antique settee that was reupholstered.

Antique wicker settee with pillows

I was given this antique wicker settee by a friend of my sister Susie.  I made the seat cushion to go with a twin quilt in the room where the settee is placed.  I also made two pillows as accents.

I Spy With My Eye quilt

I made this quilt to practice long arm quilting skills.  I quilted only the 1 inch sashing between blocks in order to quilt different motifs.  I also quilted border in a meander.
The blocks were from my stash.  I used 3" fabric squares from a Sunnyvale, CA quilt shop, Whipporwill, that had offered 3" charm squares from every bolt of fabric that they had in store for the year.  (Now out of business.)  I also used fabric from children's quilts I had made for Hugs and Stitches as well as from other previous projects.  I used a rainbow of colors for the sashing.
Hudson loves I Spy books so I thought I would make a quilt.  He is now 3 1/2 years old.  Jase who is now 20 months old also liked to find objects in the quilt, especially balls and animals.  I hope they have many more years of enjoyment with this quilt.

Space Quilt

I made this space quilt for grandsons to fit on twin bed that has a bed guard on the side.  I used it to practice long arm quilting skills.  I made the quilt out of fabric from my stash from previous projects for grandson Hudson.

Back of quilt

Quilt fits on twin mattress with no over hang.